
What is Rotoscoping and how could you incorporate it into your motion design workflow?

Rotoscoping is the process of tracing still frames from film or video to creatively retranslate that motion or action. Rotoscoping is an effective technique for producing fluid realistic movement in animation and motion design projects. The aesthetic combines the accuracy of photography with the qualities of handmade art. Rotoscoping allows the artist to use live […]


Making animated backgrounds in After Effects

There are endless permutations to the backgrounds you can make in After Effects. These are a few that I’ve used in past projects. Cell Pattern and Hue/Saturation Fractal Noise and Tint Checkerboard and Noise Gradient Ramp and Motion Tile Particle World


Exploring some After Effects drawing and painting tools

You wouldn’t expect that After Effects would have drawing and painting tools, but there are actually a few very powerful options. Let’s have a look at a couple. Motion Sketch panel The Motion Sketch panel allows us to record a motion path that is drawn on the stage in realtime. In this video, we use […]


Parenting layers to control complex animation sequences

Parenting is the process of linking layers together. Use parenting to assign one layer’s transformations to another.


Blending modes, masks, and track mattes for compositing and motion design in After Effects

Let’s take a look at using masks and track mattes for time-based compositing, animation, and motion design. These tools are pivotal for both compositing and motion design. They bring flexible transparency to your compositions, allowing you to intertwine multiple animated layers over time. Using blend modes in After Effects Blend modes in After Effects are […]