
Building your first web page with HTML and CSS

Getting the HTML elements in place Ok, let’s get writting some HTML. In the following video, I take you through writing your first HTML tags. I’ll also talk about using Codepen. Codepen is an online code editor, learning environment, and community for web development. We will be using it a lot, so sign up for an account right […]


Coding your website: first steps

Here is a video about getting started. I often find that I’ll have multiple attempts at getting started. I’ll often recode a project multiple times. I’ll discover a different approach, a more streamlined way to achieve something. I’ll begin again. We learn important stuff by getting started. So, there is no harm in getting started […]


Downloading projects from CodePen and opening them in a code editor

Updated 25/3/2021 CodePen is fantastic for testing and experimenting with HTML and CSS. It is also great for documenting and sharing your work. At some stage though, you will want to move that work to a local environment to continue your development. By ‘local environment’, I mean your own computer. You will want to download […]